What Manner of Man is officially live! (Undead?)
EVIL TIDINGS AND GREETING CURSES on this most auspicious publication date! The final edition of What Manner of Man is now available for purchase at the retailer of your choice1 (or DRM-free on Itch.io!)
I’m speechless with gratitude for all the love and enthusiasm people have demonstrated toward toward my nonsense in the past days and weeks. This felt like such a dangerous experiment when I started out, and the fact that over 5.4k people to date have been willing to give it a chance is kind of a miracle.
I hate asking for favours, but — as I’ve been saying on Tumblr — for better or worse, reviews are the primary arbiters of legitimacy in the greater publishing world, and if you want What Manner of Man to succeed, the most powerful thing you can do to help (besides buying the e-book) is to review it on Goodreads and Amazon.
Thank you again! Now go forth and hold revel.
St John
At time of writing (I scheduled this e-mail on Wednesday) none of the retailers besides Amazon have appeared where they ought to be. I am hoping they will come through by the time you receive this! If not, I’ll have to do some more fucking around.
this is a wonderful newsletter someone very smart and handsome must have collaborated on it