Apr 21, 2023Liked by St John Starling

Danny and Lord Vane are the perfect gay/lesbian hostility, I love it. Also fencing my beloved (I used to fence but then went to college lol)

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Every time part of the book includes a subject where I was worried I’d sound like I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about, you turn out to be an expert in it. ☠️

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by St John Starling

Oh no 😂 I wouldn’t consider myself an expert in fencing but I understand that feeling lol

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It's good to keep me on my toes! They do that in fencing, right? jk

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by St John Starling

LOVING this fertile mixture of genres and tropes 💞 why read multiple books when this one does it all

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I'm willing to guess this isn't the last we've seen of Danny. This chapter and the last make for interesting contrasts. I like how ironically Danny's involvement has only brought out more of Father Ardelian's crush on Lord Vane. Wish I was better at putting together what might be in the gaps of that messed up paragraph, some ideas, but nothing concrete.

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How could I leave Danny behind? She’s the best!

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by St John Starling

This week's chapter was sooo good! I loved the fencing scene especially, I could really picture Vane fight, he's so cool! Father Ardelian stands no chance :)

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by St John Starling

these glimpses we get of Lord Vane struggling against his demon -- trying to save Father A from himself -- are driving me insaaaaane

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023Author


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May 20, 2023Liked by St John Starling

[Lord Vane was ice. “Yes, in fact, I’m quite sure you don’t.”] <-- Love that line! Gave me chills. I think that the blotted out paragraph might have been Victor theorising that Danny and Sylvia were always aware of the demon in Lord Vane, and for some reason simply hadn't told Victor, so now he resolves to figure things out alone. And that moment between Victor and Lord Vane at the end of the chapter was just lovely!

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Ohhhhhhh my heart! Sweet Lord Vane giving his coat to Victor. There is nothing sexier than a swordfight in front of the one you love (I watch a lot of modern HEMA matches). Man, I wish I could be Victor in this case.

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